About 95 Imperial Herbal
Diaphoretic Therapy

The 95 Imperial Herbal Diaphoretic Therapy operates on the principle of enhanced transdermal drug delivery, reinforced by biomagnetic effects, and is frequently used to treat conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. The herbal concoction, derived from seven major genres of tested Traditional Chinese Medicine prescriptions, undergoes a proprietary heat treatment calculated to fully activate volatile esters in the bioactive herbal components before application. This warm concoction is then spread evenly on a Bian Stone energy table, which retains and resonates with a wide infrared radiation spectrum, providing therapeutic benefits particularly effective for Rheumatoid Arthritis. The entire arrangement is installed within a specially designed biomagnetic physiotherapy cabin that maintains an optimal recuperating temperature with 360-degree composite energy efficiency, making it ideal for managing Rheumatoid Arthritis and similar conditions.
The patient lies on his back in the physiotherapy cabin, where human and medicine integrate in unity. Facilitated by the thermotherapy effect of the far-infrared cabin, the herbal concoction rapidly infiltrates the dermis and is efficaciously absorbed through the back acupoints and meridians into the target tissues, organs, and the entire meridian system. This process provides a pleasant and painless recuperating experience, particularly beneficial for conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Through this enhanced diaphoretic therapy, cold-dampness, other pathogenic factors, metabolic wastes, and toxins are effectively discharged from the body, promoting recovery in a variety of diseases, especially chronic conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis. The colloquial 4 HIGH diseases often show visible progress after a single treatment, with improvements in blood glucose, blood pressure, and uric acid levels. Longer-term maintenance treatments can further benefit patients, including those with Rheumatoid Arthritis, by gradually reducing drug dependence, delaying or preventing disease progression, and minimizing the incidence of complications. This addresses the fundamental therapeutic purpose of managing chronic illnesses, especially Rheumatoid Arthritis, within the scope of recuperation.

• No injection required, no oral medication, non-invasive physiotherapy, non-toxic to the gastro-intestinal system, all delivered through flexible, safe and reliable prescriptions.
• No bodily injuries, tissues cells rejuvenated, under the healing effect of homeostatic rebalancing of Yin and Yang.


Therapy Duration

Experience price RM339
(Only available for online and phone call booking)